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Unreal Engine 4 can Produce Ultra Photorealistic Environments

Simply astonishing. I’d to see actual real-time game footage/gameplay … to see how it feels and look.

Taken from DSO Gaming … Dekogon Studios has shared some truly amazing next-generation photorealistic environments in Unreal Engine 4. These environments showcase the graphical capabilities of Unreal Engine 4, and they are a sight to behold.

The basketball gym in particular is stunning. This is one of the most photorealistic environments we’ve seen to date. To put it simple, it’s jaw-dropping good. Thus, let’s hope that next-gen games will come close to the visual fidelity of these environments.

The science classroom also looks incredible. From the lighting to the 3D models and the textures, everything looks gorgeous. Seriously, it’s an almost flawless environment. It’s not as mind-blowing as the basketball gym, however, it’s certainly a looker.

Lastly, Dekogon Studios showcased a Subway Tunnel and a Retro Office. These two environments lack the lighting the attention to detail that the previous two environments have. Nevertheless, they still look great.

Source: DSO Gaming


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