Playstation Tech News

PlayStation 5 is Reportedly to be Backwards Compatible With Thousands of PS4 Games at Launch

Now if this is true … it will be one of the best selling point of the PS5, especially if you’ve invested a lot of your hard earned cash in PS4 games.

Taken from Happygamer … As the console race pushes on, more and more news is coming out on a daily basis about the consoles that will make up the newest generation. One of the selling points of the PlayStation 5 is that the title is intended to have a highly extensive backward compatibility.

Backward compatibility, if you haven’t heard the term, essentially means that the console will be able to run games from previous generations. This makes it so that your entire gaming library isn’t completely obsolete and unplayable once you switch to a newer console.

But the games won’t just be available. According to some sources, the games that will be playable are also getting a visual upgrade. Games played on the PlayStation 5 will have a higher resolution and better frame rates so that players can enjoy their favorite classics in better, clearer graphics.

Source: Happygamer


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